Suva is the capital city of Fiji, the city has a population of 77,000, Including independent suburbs, the population of the Greater Suva urban area was 168,000 - this makes it the biggest city in Fiji, and therefore - a very busy, crowded, dusty and air polluted place - exactly the things we don't like, specially not in Fiji.
Unfortunately, we arrived here on Saturday noon, thinking it would be just an intersection for us to get to our next destination - Taveuni island, but all the shops, travel agencies and airlines were closed until Monday morning, so we had no choice other than staying here in "the big filth".
Today we went outside to "Cola I Suva" Forest park, a nice gate away from the concrete. Over there we found some natural swimming pools and waterfalls.
The only main attraction in Suva which make the effort to arrive here is Fiji Museum, was closed, so eventually we entered the cinema and watched a Hollywood movie ("Shutter").
Have fun,
Efrat and Yoni.
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