SavuSavu town (in Lenua Levu island) was suppose to be just a place where we pass along our way to Suva in the main land from Taveuni island, but because the only ferry they had was scheduled for the next day, we had to spend a night there.
In this town we didn't do much, just eating pineapples at the local market and visiting the hot boiling water spring ...
At the next day, we were suppose to depart this island to the main island by a ship at 11:00 AM, after waiting for 4 hours at the wharf under the hot burning sun, we have been told that the ship will not go sooner than 23:00 this night. this is what its called - Fiji Time.
We used this time to surf the net and send some e-mails.
Fijian Lady, While waiting for the ferry ...
Sunset at SavuSavu:
Have fun,
Efrat and Yoni.
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