we decided to diverse from our route and go 130 km out of our way towards Kaikoura town, just because we've heard some good things about the cruise for whale watching over there.
On the way we picked up a hitch hiker from Christchurch which turned out to be a really sweet girl.
Kaikoura is a lovely town on the coast line and in a distance to the snow capped mountains, while driving towards it, we really enjoyed the scenery.
The whale watching cruise turned out to be an awful one, we have seen one sleepy whale and the second one just dive when we came, the winds got stronger and the waves got bigger and bigger, we felt terrible, both of us got the motion sickness and couldn't move without had the feeling to throw up. Yoni got it pretty seriously, he vomit most of the way and felt really really bad.
Eventually, we didn't see much whales and we ended up sick from this trip, you can't really say it was worth the 260 dollars we spent, now can you ?
anyway, now we are feeling much better, we drank a lot of water and had a good rest. tomorrow we hope that it will not get as windy as today since we are about to go on a ferry which will take us to the north island of New Zealand. Yes, tomorrow we are leaving the south island, we spent here a wonderful time and hope to do so in the north part as well.
So, wish us luck, and have fun,
Efrat and Yoni.
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