After a few hours of riding a Fijian bus which was quite experience (the bus almost falling apart but had a real nice music and TV with movies), we arrived to a town called Rakiraki - an intersection for us to hop on a boat and go to the island - "Nananu I Ra". Many Indo-Fijian (Indian people which brought to Fiji to work in the sugar cane industry in the 19 century by the British) taxi drivers surrounded and followed us trying to convinced us to take their service in a tourist price of course.
Eventually we arrived to the ferry stand, there we took a ride on a boat that takes school kids back to their home at the island.
Nananu I Ra is a small exotic island , here you can find a remote island atmosphere in minimum efforts and costs, since it is very close to the main island and the accommodation is not too expansive.
The sandy beaches, coconut trees and tranquil feeling did a good job making us feel relaxed and peaceful, specially when there were very few people around, although the humidity and mosquitoes were killing us.
Have fun,
Efrat and Yoni.
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