Invercargill is the biggest city in the south of New Zealand, although you still feel like in a small town, it is not so busy and the atmosphere there is pretty calm.
Over there we visited the Southland museum, a really nice Taotara is living there - a rare lizard which is one of a kind, this breed was living in the Dinosaur's era and it will continue to thrive as long as the humans won't hunt them for their precious leather.

"The world's Fastest Indian" of Burt Munro was the fastest vehicle in the world in 1930's, Hollywood made a nice movie out of this New Zealander story, we were able to see the real deal in a hardware store belong to Burt friend's children.

Efrat felt a little bit sick over there, so we decided to reduce our speed limit in our tour, we stayed at a really nice family - Ron and Rosalie which invited us to a nice dinner as well.

The Bluff is a the southern-most town in New Zealand and a seaport, it's about 30 km out of Invercargill and represent the first European setlment in New Zealand. at the hill over looking of the region we walked for about 1.5 hours in a bush walk and skyline.

Have fun,
Efrat and Yoni.
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