We are here at Varanasi- one of the holiest cities in India and one of the toughest as well. It is like the "beauty and the beast" here, from one hand the crap on the streets, the filth in the Ganga river, the hassling from the locals can make one to run away very fast without looking back, but on the other hand the beauty, the interest of seeing the life along the holly river, makes this visit very impressive.
Every tourist here find it hard to understand and realized the deferred routine of life here, while walking along the Ghats (steps which goes into the water) you can see burning bodies, running sewer into the river, people who brash their teeth, drink the water, take a bath, wash their cloth all in the same spot in a radius of no more than 30 meters.
the burning bodies was not an easy sight, you can actually see how different part of the body get burned. Still, it didn't bother other kids to play cricket at the same field.
Usually people say that Varanasi is like a shrinked India with all its advantages and disadvantages, we are very happy for having the chance to visit this unique city, although it was very rough exploration.
our next destination is going to be Darjeeling, which is located in the north east part of India, it is a Hill station and it's suppose to be very different from our current location.
the ride is going to take 18 hours by train.
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Chag Sukkot Sameach,
miss you all,
Efrat & Yoni