The day before yesterday there was kind of a "sister's day" festival here in Udaipur, it is a nice day here were all the men gets to wear bracelets their sisters gave them during this day.
Unfortunately I have to leave this place sooner or later, so the date was set for tomorrow morning, my next destination called "Mount Abu" which was totally unplanned, it should take me 5 hours to get there by a bus. I've heard about this place a long time ago, but now every third person that I meet tells me I have to go there. So I'll go.
I've been here before, but still, this place is overwhelming, it has lakes with islands palace. I'm trying to do here things I haven't done at my last visit, yesterday we (Joey& Tracy and another 3 Israeli girls) took a taxi to a magnificent "Jane" temple in Ranakapur (84 km north of here) and a nice fort near by. I haven't downloaded the photos yet, so it will take a while.
It has been only 11 days since I left Israel, but it seems so far away, my eyes have seen so many things since then, my nose has smelled probably million different types of smell, my ears have heard so many sounds, I've tasted that unique spicy food (haven't been sick so far...) in all different verities, I still find it hard to catch that this lifestyle is going to last another 355 days ...
After seeing all those poor and cripples I really feel like a blessed person, blessed for my health, blessed for having a place to stay which I can call "home", blessed for having family, blessed for having friends, blessed for having Efrat - the person I love the most, and blessed for having the financial abilities to see other places and realize I am truly blessed.
don't worry, I still don't think I need to go to a synagogue and starts to pray for all the things I'm blessed. I was just making a point that India can show you this graphically, although you knew it already but at some point you take it as granted (for example, when my Credit card company - visa fucked me up with their commitions - "Amalot", well, at least I have to say thanks that I even have a saving account in the bank, because not everyone can afford it).
Oh and one more thing (for you Efrat), I lost 1.5 kg since I arrived here, without getting sick nor diet. that's because I walking around all day and not sitting infront of the computer. it is weird though I don't eat here that much. I don't know why ...
Ajanta caves

Ellora caves

To view Ellora & Ajanta Caves Slideshow, click here
To view Ellora & Ajanta Caves Album, click here
To view Jalgaon Slideshow, click here
To view Jalgaon Album, click here
Sorry for not uploading many photos to the album, the internet connection here is terrible, but don't you worry, I took hundreds of shot till now. if I have the chance, I will upload as much as I can.
A young Indian kid with green eyes (an amazingly rare photo):

That's it,
Have lot of fun and take care,