This was the place were we serviced our car (in Israel we call it - "Tipul 10,000"), it has been about 5 weeks since we bought the car and already traveled with it 7500 km !
Alice Springs is the main big city in the desert, that means you can find here every service you need for, expected from a big city, after a long period of time in the outback desert, we were glad to see suddenly big supermarkets (for those who have been to Ausie - "Woolworth" and "Coles"), restaurants and people !
The RFDS (Royal Flying Doctor Service) visit was very informative, this service was established at the beginning of the last century, it basically provide help and care for those who live at remote and isolated places. the base in Alice Springs covers a radios of 600 km, which supply an airborne to a big city in urgent cases.
the base at RFDS:
Reptile center - over there you can see the toughest animals in the continent. king brown is meant to be the deadliest snake in the world, it's poison can kill a human being for a matter of minutes. behind the thick glass, it didn't seemed to be scary at all.
But, the crocodile was scary enough, although it didn't move much.
Although, the most interesting-unique animal over there, in our opinion, was of course the "Thorny Devil" - a spiky little lizard which eats ants and can drink via every part of it's body, it can even absorbs moist from its tail up to its mouth.
Thorny Devil
In Alice Springs we got separated from Denny in a nice quick dinner at Subway.
Denny on his Jeep

Have fun,
Efrat & Yoni.
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