It is unbelievable, the end of December is the middle of the summer here in the Southern Hemisphere, but the weather has some different plans.
A great cyclone storm cancelled our plans to go to Fraser Island - One of our "musts" in Queensland, we have to go on and travel in the rain, it is raining here all day every day since we arrived to Gladstone. That wasn't in our plan, but we could not do anything about it.
At the nice town - Bandenberg we found shelter from the drops in a cooper's place (the one who makes the barrels for wines or rum), had a nice dinner at KFC (for the first time here in Aussie) and spend hours on an Internet service, all the ways just not to be under the rain.
In Childers we met a nice lady at the visitor information center who showed a lot of care and respect to Israel, later on we tasted one of the best Ice creams in the world (Ginger Ice-Cream) !
We arrived to Mariborogh while the sky were so dark you could think it was night time by mistake, we visited a really nice museum, it functioned as a grocery store for 100 years, all the products are still in the shelves, everything so antique. very interesting, very recommended, we probably asked the Lady who worked there a million questions about the time back than.

Eventually we arrived to the Sunshine Coast while there was no sun shining of course, but that is for another post.
We added some photos, check it out...
have fun,
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