Hi All,
The trip in the south west is accelerating, before we left Margaret River we found ourselves a new lifter (TREMPIST who share the fuel and fun with us) named Adi and she is very sweet Israeli girl from Kfar Saba, although it is rarely to meet other lifters here, specially Israelis...
Augusta - the lighthouse was the only tourist attraction we visited. this is the point where you can't go anymore to the south-west of the continent. At this point the Pacific ocean meets the Indian Ocean.

Nunnap we hiked for several hours in the bush, this small town is a very sleepy one, when we arrived from Augusta, we couldn't find a single soul at the commercial center (that was round 17:00) and all other streets. we visited a nice backpacker which is designed so unique that we felt like living in a Museum.
Northcliffe - we just wanted to fill our Jerrycan with water and we found ourselves in the nice old Museum which tells the story of this small town when it was founded 200 years ago or so, we had a nice conversation with old ladies who grew up there as children while looking at the Museum's antiques.
Pemberton - another small town (population - around 450 people), the big attraction over there is the giant Tingle tree (kind of Eucalyptus) which proudly grew up to 75 meters high ! we climbed on it to the top to see the scenery of the rest of the Forrest from above. Efrat felt like she was falling down every step (or peg in our case) because her short size.
Warlpole - Denmark (the Australian city not the country): well, the main attraction there is "The Valley of the Giants" which is a nice short walk, 40 meters above the ground between the giant trees, it is well famous site but we felt it was very short (only 600 meters long), it was nice but we liked the climbing on the tingle tree in Pemberton better.
we also paid the pacific ocean a visit along it's great beaches, the sad part in this trip comes here - Yoni realized he lost his journal somewhere on the way, probably near Nannup. He put so much efforts to write his journal since the beginning of his trip (when he started in India, 3 month ago).

Albany - the first big city we visited after we left Perth. we hiked for several hours along the mountain near the city (even got lost for a while), there are plenty of lookouts over there. The wind farm 20 km away from the city were described in the travel guide we are carrying as the biggest in Western Australia, and truth is they are pretty big, we arrived there at late afternoon and the wind during that time of the day was super strong.
Esperance - we got to know Adi's friend from England and we walked along the shore on a nice route. Over there - was the first time we have seen an Aboriginal children which came from the desert to camp in a something like a class trip, their language was very interesting.
From here we are about to start our long journey towards south Australia while crossing the great Nullabor plain (about 2000 km of desert).

you are welcome to view our Photos and Video clips.
wish us luck and tack care,
Efrat & Yoni.
Our Photo Album: http://picasaweb.google.com/yonifln
Our Movie Library: http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=yonifln